Our Impact…
Our products will not only impact the environment, it will impact your health, money and our society.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead
Fair trade is based on the desire for a sustainable partnership for development. It is based on fairer, more respectful exchanges between producers and consumers. Fair trade is an essential source of income for farmers and artisans. It is a chance for population groups marginalised by the global economic system to claim their right to a decent income and dignity.
There is a universal lack of transparency about the composition of products: the plastics, toxic chemicals, artificial fragrances and pesticides used can be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause allergic reactions, hormonal disruptions, reproductive disorders and even cancer. We use 75% natural fibres in every product, so you can feel confident in using them knowing your health is not at risk.
Our company is based in Nepal, where all of our products are fabricated. We are a company who focuses on fair trade for our workers allowing them to be well-paid for their work. We have trained over 40 female workers the art of sewing and they have created many designs for our partners.
Our company is a strong believer of women empowerment. We believe that women should be paid and treated equally to men in the professional world as they are, without fail, paid less than their male employees. Families in Nepal depend on the husband’s job as their only source of income, therefore we offer the opportunity to allow women to be independent, as they earn their own money to provide for themselves and their families.